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Valve technology for the maritime and processing industry

Company History

  1. 2022
    Automation and complex system integration
    ARMATUREN-WOLFF increasingly develops products in the automation technology and for the integration of the board automation. Web-based monitoring of technical equipment e.g. is possible by a conventional mobile device or tablet.
  2. 2020
    Patent for High Performance Quick-Closing-Valves
    End of year 2019 we officially received the Patent for our design of a High-Performance Quick Closing Valve for special valve requirements in the maritime as well as technical industry.
  3. 2019
    After successful years of collaboration with local partners and various projects in India our company ARMATUREN-WOLFF LLP was set up in Pune/Maharashtra.
    It provides close support and services locally as well as it offers strategic distribution solutions. Production facilities and sourcing performance enhance the supply chain capabilities of all ARMATUREN-WOLFF partners.
  4. 2017
    Product engineering as a member of the EcoShip60 network
    As a member of the EcoShip60 network we are breaking new ground in the development and integration of environmentally friendly propulsion and energy systems. Companies and research institutes work together to develop innovative solutions that are easy to install in existing ships and are economical to produce. The aim is to close the gap in demand that exists in ship types up to 60 meters in length or up to 4,000 kW in the area of ​​alternative propulsion systems.
    This network is officially “Supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag”.
  5. 2015
    Market development of the processing industry
    A systematic handling of the market led to first assignments of strategic target customers in the chemical and land-based industry sectors.
    Consequently, Certification according to ISO 9001:2015 has been conducted.
  6. 2013
    Innovative filtration technology
    Upon identifying customer demands ARMATUREN-WOLFF revises its filter design continuously. A large selection of basic designs, an extensive choice of materials and multiple optional extras such as surface protections, hinged or swiveling lid opening constructions, anti-fouling systems and many more options offer the an ideal solution for every specific technical purpose and guarantee reliability in operation.
  7. 2012
    Advancement of valve chests
    High technical complexity and demanding areal situations let ARMATUREN-WOLFF enlarge and advance their valve chest portfolio including fully automated, state of the art flow control applications. With one of the largest stocks of casting patterns, ARMATUREN-WOLFF is in the position to realize numerous designs and geometries.
  8. 2010
    Electric quick-closing valves
    Being the first and only company ever ARMATUREN-WOLFF launches a formally approved Electric Quick-closing Valve System.
    Blackout-safe power supply, room-saving dimensions, easy and time-saving installation, very complex plants, functions and monitoring and highly economic system costs make this application widely popular especially on cruise ships and in the offshore technology.
  9. 2008
    Wolff yacht equipment
    ARMATUREN-WOLFF’s market success in the demanding mega-yacht shipbuilding results in a separate division - the „WOLFF YACHT EQUIPMENT“, that effectively equips various mega-yacht new buildings
  10. 2005
    Representation all around the world
    In addition to the domestic market the international markets become more and more important for ARMATUREN-WOLFF. An increasing number of international co-operations and representations is the consequence.
  11. Since 2004 / 2008
    The third generation enters the company
    After their successful academic studies and professional experience in diverging branches at home and in foreign countries Mr. Hendrik Wolff and Mr. Mathias Wolff join the company. Two years after their entry both become managing directors. The family establishment is now run by the third generation of proprietors.
  12. Around 1995
    Market launch of new products
    After intensive product development the prosperous commercial launch of the tramistec® flexble reach rods as well as the compact design of quick closing- and quick opening valves is accomplished.
  13. From the 1990’s onwards
    Modern technology
    A computer based ERP-System is implemented for the first time. The construction department is being provided with computer programs such as AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor 3D. The machinery outfit is upgraded with further electronically controlled and CNC-machines.
  14. Around 1985
    Certifications and Type Approvals from classification societies become more and more substantial.

    Also fire tests are successfully carried out for the first time.
  15. 1980's
    Increasingly international
    The business with many partners abroad enlarges significantly. ARMATUREN-WOLFF is progressively also represented on international trade fairs and exhibitions.
  16. 1975
    The clientele expands
    Aside from the customers in the shipping and shipbuilding industries ARMATUREN-WOLFF enlarges its clientele for the first time by customers in the land based as well as the chemical industry.
  17. 1972/-73
    More and more own products
    After the introduction of a serial production of quick closing valves the batch production of filtration technology products starts. -Many constructions follow in the course of time.
  18. 1972
    New building
    New building and move-in of the business premises with production and storage areas in the industrial estate “Oehleckerring” close to the airport Hamburg.
  19. 1964
    The second generation joins - first quick closing valves
    Mr. Rainer Wolff, son of the founder, joins the company as an additional managing director.

    The manufacturing of the first quick closing valves starts and the production of various product lines enlarges.
  20. 1960
    Relocation of the premises
    Expansion and relocation of the factory premises to the Conventstraße (Hamburg-Wandsbek).
  21. 1950's
    Bigger and bigger
    The business is continuously growing - Removal to the Ritterstraße, shortly afterwards installation of a turning shop in the Papenstraße (Hamburg-Wandsbek).

    Begin of manufacturing of components and valves.
  22. 1945
    The foundation
    On 11.10.1945 Mr. Friedrich Heinrich Wolff officially registers the company ARMATUREN-WOLFF Friedrich H. Wolff. Place of business is Landwehr, Hamburg-Wandsbek. The object of business is “trading with sanitary piping equipment”
Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland
Friedrich H. Wolff GmbH & Co. KG

Oehleckerring 29

22419 Hamburg, Germany

Tel. +49-40-532 873-0

Fax +49-40-532 873-29



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